Primary-care physicians are in demand

This time of year, recent high school graduates are shopping for supplies, packing their bags and perusing brochures and course listings from their selected college or university.

Freshman orientation is just around the corner. It makes me wonder how many, like my younger self, are considering careers in primary-care medicine?
To be sure, the practice of medicine faces some interesting challenges, ranging from political to scientific to socioeconomic. Yet there has perhaps been no better time to consider a career in medicine.
It is yet unclear exactly what effect recent health-care reform efforts will have on the medical workforce. However, the combination of expanded Medicaid coverage in many states (including Colorado) and the requirement for most Americans to carry health insurance starting in 2014 will certainly increase demand on the health-care system.
Add to this the fact that the aging baby-boom generation is adding millions of new Medicare enrollees each year. As our population ages, the demand for medical care will continue to increase. Click here to read the full article published in the Durango Herald.