United for Health (Unidos por la Salud)

March 13, 2010, 9am-4pm, Crowne Plaza Hotel
Did you know that Colorado Latino/as are affected by some chronic and communicable diseases at rates sometimes three times higher than the general population? You are invited to a summit with other concerned Latino leaders and stakeholders from Colorado to break the cycle of health disparities in our communities and declare a Latino health agenda. This community will be held in conjunction with Latina/o Advocacy Day. United for Health (Unidos por la Salud) will build the power to change the systems of our state an create a plan for united action. This change will provide our children equal opportunities to live fulfilling and healthy lives, regardless of socioeconomic status. There is no registration fee but reservations are required; deadline for registrations is MARCH 9.

Register now: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6F25HWV / 888.799.1799